Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Dwayne Perkins To The Rescue

A few months back I wrote blogs about sitting in a park in San Francisco's China town and about a guy typing outside on a typewriter on a elementary school desk. I was in San Fran performing at the famous Punch Line Comedy Club. But What I didn't mention is, I was also there to record a new comedy CD.

It had been a while since my last CD, “She Ate my Haircut” dropped and I felt it was time to lay down some of my new classic jokes. A comedy CD is basically a snapshot of your act on any given night. And just like a picture you want it to be a good one. Did I blink? Is there something in my teeth? Can we take the picture again? But unlike a picture you can't easily do an hour show over and over until you get one that you like. Imagine taking a picture for all to see and you only get one try at it. Now you've got to make sure you look your best but stay loose enough to still look like you're having fun in the picture. Great picture but why are you sweating and gritting your teeth?

My approach was to not let the crowd know I was taping a CD. I wanted organic reactions. True belly laughs, true moans, impulsive clapping. So as I hit the stage to record, my goal was to do everything in its most relaxed natural funny form. But how about the crowd? Would I have to deal with 8 drunk bachelorette parties? Or maybe there would be someone with an over the top cackle laughing hard but distracting everyone else with there snorts. Perhaps there be a frat party and guys barking or whistling at everything that struck a chord with them.

These are the occupational hazards of a Stand-Up comic. We gladly accept these challenges and routinely turn unplanned distractions into comedy gold. But when you're recording a CD for prosperity you want your written jokes to lead the way. You don't want an entire CD that seems like you had to be there to get it.

Luckily for me the San Francisco crowd that showed up the night of my taping was awesome, well behaved and ruckus in just the right way. Thanks San Fran for a great show. My San Francisco treat is now available for all to listen to. I'm and proud, honored and humbled to announce to you the release of my new CD: “Dwayne Perkins to The Rescue

The choosing of the title is another story but in the end I think my comedy is a break from the norm. Hilarious without being cynical. Truthful without being hurtful. Much of Stand-up has gone awry. But have no fears because Dwayne Perkins is to the Rescue. :-)

Available on itunes, Amazon and


Unknown said...

Wow that's a ballsy move, I love it.

Did you have a plan if there started being too much crowd interaction?


dwayneperkins said...

No plan...i've been none to tell someone to shut the eff up. Luckily i never had to cross that bridge. The thing is if that did happen then the recording probably would have been unusable or destined to become some lost recording for future release.

Mr. A said...

Congrats on the release! I'm looking forward to hearing it. I hope you'll be in the Philly area sometime. I'd love to catch your show. I'm sure a couple people from Techwould come through as well.

In the meantime, I'm bout to start spreading the news...

me! said...

I look forward to hearing it! And the cover art is actually better than my idea of using the indoor Dubai skiing picture.

Deana said...

I love that you are "hilarious without being cynical." That is so rare these days. Dig your positivity. QSN: I have not yet received my copy, though I did mysteriously receive an autographed CD of "Me and my Puppy." Curious.

I'm with the above poster about the Dubai skiing photo. That was a true gem. But my ab fave will always be Mickey Dwayne.

Adía said...

Now I really gotta get this CD cuz I think I was there!