Friday, February 19, 2010

Abba Dabba Do

So I saw this report on the pop group Abba recently. Their effect on the world is legendary. Their music? But I come to praise Abba not to bury them. My foot taps when an Abba song comes on (I was going to say “just as much as the next guy”, but what if the next guy is off beat. Or maybe he's doing a syncopated tap.)

No doubt Abba is a major part of the soundtrack of our lives. But this one guy they interviewed had “ABBA” tattooed across his stomach. He proudly showed it off so I don't think he lost a bet or was the victim of sophomoric hijinks. This guy willingly went to a tattoo artist and requested ABBA to be needled across his belly.

QSN: Can we blame the tattoo guy? I mean, a bartender can't serve a drunk person. Shouldn't there at least be a grace period for stupid tattoos? “Sir, are you sure you want a Mambo#5 tattoo?...Why don't you think it over for a few days and come back”.

There is no way to make an Abba tattoo sound cool. It's not a story people want to hear at parties. “I don't mean to cut you off Abba Dude but I'm going back to hear the Insurance Guy's soliloquy on Term versus Universal Life insurance...try the dip.”

At least Mike Tyson has a tattoo of Mao Tse Tsung. Which may not make sense but is so random that it just may make total sense. At the very least people want to hear Mike explain why he got it. Where as with Abba dude you instantly know all you need or would ever want to know. We're all set here Abba Dude.

The craziest part? Abba Dude is a black guy. Nothing wrong with a black guy loving him some Abba. And I say kudos on the stereotype dismantling. But it's a little jarring when someone links themselves to Abba with permanent body ink...When they don't even know them.

Let's hope it was a fake just to get him on TV. Let's hope.


Deana said...

My ex-boyfriend {turned very dear friend} is a tattoo artist. I used to hang out with him in the shop while he worked. His only rule was that he wouldn't do any racist tattoos. And when people would come in and ask for words in Japanese or Chinese characters, he'd always tattoo them with his take-out order.

I really don't get the Abba obsession. They have a handful of good songs, but the bulk of them are pretty annoying {to me, anyway.} It takes some serious loyalty to tattoo a band or artist's name onto your bod. I'm glad I never got Perry Como scrawled across my back, though it would make me look like a badass.

Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

dwayneperkins said...

Thanks anonymous. But I somehow attracted you. :-) I just gave an opinion about a guy with an Abba Tattoo. I'm not one for circular arguments that people have just for the sake of having them. I'm sure controversy would attract more readers but, as of now, this blog isn't about that. I hope you'll keep reading and enjoying my musings though.

me! said...

I suspect Dwayne could do controversy as well as anyone. He's got the wit and comic chops, and I'm sure he could skewer fools on a kabob with the best of them.

But, um, that's really not why I check out this blog or keep an eye on his work.

Not to slam all forms of snark and controversy (I'll admit I'm a Gawker commenter, so I'm certainly not immune to it myself), but I find Dwayne's style of comedy refreshing precisely because he steers clear of the easy snark without compromising on the funny.

At his best, he hits his comic targets dead-on, and the cool part is that you feel no overpowering need to take a shower afterwards.