Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Take Your Records, Take Your Freedom (Funny Blog from Comedy Central's Dwayne Perkins)

So, every time I send out an email to my mailing list, which is maybe once a month but realistically more like once every two months, I get people unsubscribing to my list. Mind you all these people are people who gave me their email address at one point or another. I send out emails at this infrequent pace partly because I’m busy and not really an ace when it comes to promotion and partly because I don’t want to be “that” guy wearing out his welcome.

I get my share of junk email and promo email to sift through. But it’s email. Tossing it requires a click and keeping it requires nothing, especially with yahoo and the like offering unlimited space. I’m not suggesting people be like me and have 2016 unopened email messages in their inbox but (my hurt feelings aside) does your inbox need to be pristine? It costs you nothing. Plus, like anything in life, it’s so easy to get bogged down with administration that you never get to any actual work. For me, unsubscribing or blocking every email that I don’t have immediate use for would take up so much time that I probably wouldn’t have been able to hit you with this month long blog-o-thon. :-)

I have a junk email filter to weed out some of the unwanted stuff but I still occasionally miss an important business email that was mistakenly redirected to the spam folder. It’s not an exact science.

I’m not privy to each unsubscriber’s story but could they all really be too busy or annoyed to suffer an email from me every other month that they don’t even have to read. Does ensuring they never get my bi-monthly email ever again really free up their lives? It’s email, not homework. Or maybe they’re upset that I took a long lay-off…You think you could just go away and pop upout of the blue with your show announcements. Where were you when we needed you!?...

I get 3 emails a day from the Minister of Finance from a made up country asking me to put 6 million into my bank account, thus helping him stave off a coup. I think these may be frauds…maybe. But I simply erase them. And many of my friends send me emails. I read them if I have time or maybe delete them without reading them but I don’t block them from ever sending me an email again.

Funny thing is I get many people asking me why I don’t send out more updates. I guess I’m afraid of getting more unsubscribers. It’s silly now that I think about it; to stay away from supporters just because in doing so I may have to part ways with non-supporters. I’m a bit hurt but more confused at the absoluteness of it all.

How come you never call?….You shouldn’t have called!...

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