In show business it behooves you to make as few enemies as possible. Rap music being the lone exception. In rap, a well calculated rhyming war of words can translate into millions. In life in general it makes sense not to burn bridges. Seems like a good idea at the time but you'll regret it when you're swimming through piranha infested water where a bridge used to be.
So I've handled my career with this in mind. I actually like most of the people I know in the business and I'm tight lipped about the ones I don't like; half because maybe I just don't know them well enough yet and half because I don't want to swim with the fishes. So in my whole career I'm actually on record as disliking only one person.
And now the progress report. I hadn't seen my nemesis in a few years and recently had the displeasure of running into him. To my surprise I remembered being on record as not liking him but I could not remember his name. Fair to say I've let it go? The bane of my existence had become a footnote destined not to even make it to future editions of my story.* I would like to say I let go of my mini grudge but in reality I just focused on what was in front of me and kept moving. In time things in the distance became within reach, stationary things in my periphery were left behind, stationary things behind me were left way behind and I forgot who it was I didn't like.
Why the grudge? This guy came into a town I lived in playing the big time executive and dangling a pot of gold in front of the young comics. He tried to tell me I was nervous on stage right after I had in fact had a great set. His aim seemed to throw weight around and shake up the hierarchy that had been established based on funniness. I of course knew he was wrong and full of it. Just four months later I made my 1st appearance on the Late Night with Conan O'Brien show. I probably should have let go then.
He who does not feel me, is not real to me therefore he doesn't exist so poof...vamoose son of a...**
* reference to a Elvis Costello song, “Everyday I Write The Book”
** line from a Jay-Z song, “H to the Hizo”
Please tell me that the Costello reference is a nod to me considering I mentioned it yesterday and we reference it all the time.
Huge grin.
The fact that you've been in comedy as long as you have and have only one grudge speaks well. Speaking as a strict bystander, even I can see that it's not a pretty game in many respects, and the opportunities to accumulate anger are in abundance for those prone to do so.
Aside from the fact that you're a very funny guy, the other reason I keep an eye on your work and your blog is that fact that you seem to have found a way to navigate your career while avoiding the baggage I see in too many others.
It's heartbreaking to see talented people with real potential grow bitter because of the nature of the business.
No names, of course, but I'm thinking of one particular comic who I have seen in the usual outlets (Byron Allen's old show, cable specials, etc.). He is very funny, but it's clear that the game is wearing on him, and the bitterness is now showing around the edges. Which of course has the effect of diminishing the funny itself and limiting the opportunities. Dangerous stuff.
Maybe it's the Tai-bo or the glass unicorn collection. I don't know. But whatever your secret is to keeping your head right...keep doing it. It's obviously working.
thanks Deana and Me. I try my best. I guess if you can keep your sense of entitlement low and your accountability high. You've got a good shot at not betting too bitter. It can be hard but definitely doable.
i really enjoy all your writing kind, very helpful.
don't give up and keep posting seeing that it simply well worth to follow it.
excited to find out far more of your stories, thanks ;)
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