I was recently in....(sarcastic drumroll please)....Starbucks.
QSN: I realize my blog is way too cool (hopefully) for The Bucks to be my headquarters. If it makes it better I have found a new hip artsy coffee shop called Swork that I will be splitting my time between with the 3 Starbucks across the street..
Back to the story. I sat next to a guy with a sleeve tattoo. Not a tattoo of a sleeve (although that would've been be awesome. Especially if he had French cuffs drawn in) His whole arm had ink in tribute to his passion, music. I know music is his passion because on his arm he had musical notes, piano keys...oh yeah and the word “Passion” in the middle of it all. How cool would it be to ask him if his passion was something else?
ME: So you live for Scrapbooking huh?
TATTED UP GUY: No, music is my thing. It's right here on my arm...
ME: So...you're saying fishing is why you even get out of bed ...that's cool.
I don't have a problem with this guy's public proclamation of his passion. It's just odd that only people in the arts go to such lengths. I would wager that this guy does not make his living off music. Yet, you would be hard pressed to find an accountant with a gaudy tattoo of a ledger on his arm. Try finding a civil engineer with a tattoo of the coliseum with a protractor and compass. Can't do it.
No, professionals leave their self expression up to vanity license plates. Can't say I approve of that either but at least LDGR-GUY doesn't have to wear long sleeves to church.
hey man! My name is Agie
I saw you at Brea Tuesday, sept 14. i was the one who offered you a napkin as your telling your no need to wipe joke. I appreciate that you are considerably a clean comic. I appreciate clean comedy. ive actually done one stand up performance where its 100% clean and its just nice to see some one else is trying to do the same man! keep up the good work. Hit me up for some clean joke materials 8)
I think when it comes to artists/entertainers, many are here today, gone tomorrow. One thing that keeps their name out there is controversy. So, that guy has that tattoo up and down his arm as HIS controversy. Just like, this lady on my job downloaded some Kanye music following his fiasco on the awards show. She wasn’t familiar with him prior to that. Being a jerk is Kanye’s controversy. That’s what artists do. I guess they can’t rely on their talent alone. At least when it came to quirkiness, people liked Michael Jackson the person and Michael Jackson the artist - and people like Prince (or is he still the Artist Formerly Known As Prince), and the other bizarre people out. But as an point of argument, I sometimes wonder where there is a line between people being themselves versus trying to stand out in the crowd?
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