Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Capella Fella

Close friends, and now my faithful blog readers, know that I’m currently on a nationwide shower tour. I would love to write the rest of this blog tomorrow and leave folks hanging for a day but cliff hangers are not my bag. And yet that last sentence provided the distance and slight amount of time I needed to build a smidgen of suspense before giving an explanation of something so random as a shower tour. I’m a member of the Bally’s Fitness chain. I would cancel my membership but I find myself all over Los Angeles and Orange County in need of a shower. There’s always a Bally’s close enough to provide funk relief and save me a journey home. Angelinos know that you must plan your life around traffic. You don’t want to be 20 miles (an hour and a half drive in rush hour) from home and ripe.

As I have more than just the shower plan, the showers are usually preceded with a brief but brisk workout. So I found myself in Pasadena for a meeting this morning.

QSN: Los Angeles is the capital of meetings. I have so many meetings that I should hire a secretary and sergeant at arms to follow me around. Some of it is self indulgent busy work but some of it is stuff that might payoff. Some of the most successful entertainment ventures of all time started with a coffee shop “meeting.” I hope this meeting was the start of something big.

So I’m in the locker room at Bally’s, coming down from an intense stint on the elliptical machine and getting ready for the shower. As I slipped into my shower shoes “Lips of An Angel” by Hinder rang out from the gym PA system. There’s nothing like a catchy tune that you haven’t heard in a while to stay in your head all friggin’ day. Flash ahead 3 minutes and I’m in the public shower singing “Lips of An Angel.” I looked away from the old man in the shower opposite me so he wouldn’t think my serenade was for him.

QSN: Many Ballys showers don’t have doors, just “booths.” Some don’t even have booths, just a room with shower a spout protruding from the wall every 4 feet or so. Both are a bit invasive. Upside: They make for really quick showering.

I cut my solo short; which was really hard to do because the acoustics in this shower were great. I had reverb and tone. I’m talking perfect pitch. Alas, singing in communal showers is a no-no, unless you’re in the cast of “White Shadow”* and everyone is singing with you….

Dwayne, Take it to the bridge!

I resorted to humming. Damn you Hinder!

*White Shadow - early eighties TV show where a white basketball coach taught his inner city team about life, teamwork and sportsmanship. And for some reason they always sang doo-wop songs naked in the shower. You know, just like every high school basketball team,
There’s a long uncomfortable shower scene at 3:20 or skip to 5:16 for the singing. I love Youtube

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